Big news of the day of course.....the snow that is hitting us in March. Oh...wait....there was a basketball game last night?
Congrats to the women's basketball team for taking down UConn and taking home the BIG EAST Championship.
There were lots of stories about the game last night, so we'll link to a few here.
• First, on the national platform, ESPN's Graham Hays had his take on the title game. Read it here.
ESPN's Nancy Lieberman took the angle that the loss won't hurt UConn, before giving Rutgers its due.
• CSTV's Jeff Lippman talked about how winning ugly was "oh so pretty" for RU.
• Hartford Courant's Jeff Jacobs thinks that coach Stringer deserves those tears of joy.
• Locally, you can read the the daily Aditi story here. I know I said no game stories, but I liked this one.
Paul Franklin of the Home News gets the quote of the night award. Franklin wrote, "Ajavon was voted the tournament's Most Valuable Player, and, upon receiving the huge trophy yelled to the fans, "Ray Rice for the Heisman!"
Thanks for the help Matee, and thanks for the plug, Paul. Read his take on the game here.
• If you want to watch the post game press conference, go to to check out the video. If you are a Mac user, like myself, you're out of luck, but you can go to for photos and full coverage.